Alumni Spotlight: Anna Hulm
Anna Hulm graduated from our MA in Creative Producing in 2022 and is now working as Production Assistant on the new tour of Annie. When the company came to rehearse at Mountview last week, we caught up with Anna (along with dogs Darcy, Boris and Lily!) to hear about her journey so far and career aspirations moving forward.
Where did your passion for creative producing come from and why did you choose Mountview?

Anna recently visited Mountview with dogs Darcy, Boris and Lily (who will be sharing the role of Sandy in the new Annie tour)
When training as an actor, I was always running the organisation side of our projects – contacting venues, managing budgets, marketing, etc. I never really knew what any of that was, I just knew that I enjoyed it. When the pandemic hit, I took part in a lot of online workshops, and when sitting in the NSDF [National Student Drama Festival] programme of events, I learnt what producing was. That’s when it hit me: I knew what I wanted to do. I looked at various drama schools and universities trying to find the right Master’s for me, and Mountview massively stood out. It was mainly for the range of modules the course included, but also learning about the incredible work which had been created by alumni. Knowing [Mountview’s] reputation, I thought I was dreaming by putting in an application, but when I got the interview invite, that dream started becoming very real.
“I thought I was dreaming by putting in an application, but when I got the interview invite, that dream started becoming very real.”
What kind of shows and projects do you dream of doing and/or excite you?
This is a very tough question because the answer is so broad. So much excites me – but if I have to put my finger on it, it would be projects that engage directly with the audiences they bring in, especially in the areas local to where those projects are being held. If a show is bringing up certain themes or igniting conversations, what are the creatives doing to engage the audiences further in those conversations? That is the kind of work that really excites me, and I always strive to work with audiences beyond simply putting on a show for them, whether this be through workshops, resource provision or post-show Q&As.
What are your highlights from your time at Mountview?
Again, another hard question! My cohort were like a little producing family and we always supported one another. When it came to our festival at the end of the year, it was amazing to see everyone supporting each other’s shows and events. We all worked in teams – technical, casting, etc. – and it was amazing to see all our hard work come together. We all had so many different sills and were willing to teach, but also learn from one another. This teamwork is not something you find in every company, so to find it in that bunch of inspirational individuals was the best.
How have you found the transition from training to going into the industry?
Interesting, to say the least! I definitely landed in a world that I wasn’t used to before starting my Master’s degree. I was used to the fringe world of producing, working primarily in my own theatre company. Now, I’m in a role that allows me to work on both national and international productions within the company, as well as continue my own practice within smaller communities too. It’s not easy for everyone to make the jump into the industry, but I definitely found that keeping my options open has allowed me to learn so many skills that prove useful in each project that I do.
“I definitely found that keeping my options open has allowed me to learn so many skills that prove useful in each project that I do.”
Producing is a very big umbrella, one that has different definitions in each sector of the theatre industry, but I find that testing each part is important in determining the nature of the work you really want to make.
What advice would you give to people applying for the Creative Producing course at Mountview?
As cheesy as it sounds, believe in yourself as a creative. People that work in the creative industries all bring so much to the table. Not everything will be your cup of tea, but when it is, grab every opportunity you can take. I completed two placements when on the course: one with an amazing theatre company that were doing touring work at the time, and another at an incredible venue that works closely with their local community and emerging creatives. Both companies helped me learn so many skills, gave brilliant opportunities, and the chance to meet and chat with inspiring creatives producing work that I felt so passionate about. I knew that I wanted to work with these organisations, so I took the leap and asked them to consider me. Putting yourself out there is so hard, but if you feel passionate about something, you need to believe in yourself and do it.
“Putting yourself out there is so hard, but if you feel passionate about something, you need to believe in yourself and do it.”
The [Mountview] course helped me to become a more confident producer. I’m still at the start of my career, but every class I took at Mountview gave me so many skills that I use in my day-to-day work.
What is next for you?

Anna is currently working on the Annie tour as Production Assistant
I’m working on some very exciting projects at the moment! I’m currently working as Production Assistant on the UK tour of Annie, which has been an amazing experience so far. We are in rehearsals right now, working towards our opening next month in Leicester. It has been so amazing to work with some incredible creatives in both our producing office and the rehearsal room. I am also looking forward to working on an international tour, which is heading to China later this year. Being able to work on these large-scale productions allows me to learn so many new skills, as well as learn from some incredible producers and general managers. In my own work, I’m collaborating with a former coursemate, Matilda Wilde, to work on getting funding for our show Everything We Touch. This was the solo piece I produced as part of the creative producers’ Ignite Festival at the end of our course at Mountview. We hope to put on a small tour of the production, as well as host workshops for audience members in expressing grief and loss through performance, which were the core themes behind the show. The MA in Creative Producing gives you so many valuable skills in different sectors of the theatre industry. I’m grateful that it gave me opportunities to help develop as a producer, and I continue to build on these in my practice every day.