Privacy Policy


Purpose of policy 

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold about you. 

The purpose of this policy is to give you a clear explanation about how we gather and use the information we collect from you directly and from third parties. 

We use your information in accordance with all applicable laws concerning the protection of personal information. 

This policy explains: 

  • What information we may collect about you 
  • How we may use that information 
  • In what situations we may disclose your details to third parties 
  • Our use of internet cookies 
  • Information about how we keep your personal information secure, how long we maintain it and your rights to be able to access it. 

If you have any queries about this policy, please contact 


Who we are 

Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts 
120 Peckham Hill Street 
SE15 5JT 

Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts is a company limited by guarantee and is a registered charity, number 274166. 

We are registered as a data controller under the Data Protection Act 1998, and our Data Protection Register number is Z493857X. 

Any electronic communications will be made in accordance with the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR). 


What information do we collect about you? 

We collect various types of information and in a number of different ways: 

  • Information you give us 
    For example, when you register for a course or activity on our website, enter as a candidate for Mountview Exams, buy tickets or make a donation, or sign up for our e-newsletter, we’ll store personal information you give us such as your name, email address, postal address, telephone number. We will also store a record of your purchases and donations. 
  • Information about your interactions with us 
    For example, when you visit our website, we collect information about how you interact with our content. When we send you a mailing we store a record of this, and in the case of emails we keep a record of which ones you have opened and which links you have clicked on. 
  • Information from third party sources  
    This might include information from other institutions involved in the delivery of joint programmes, Government Departments such as the Home Office or the Student Loans Company, or other individuals such as schools and colleges. Where we obtain personal data from third party sources, we will look to ensure that the third party has lawful authority to provide us with your personal data. 

We will also collect and hold information about any contact you have with us as a student, Exam candidate, visitor, customer, event participant, supporter or alumni of Mountview, and may consist of details of: 

  • information related to any course of study; 
  • information related to Mountview Exams; 
  • ticket purchase and event/workshop registration and attendance; 
  • online purchases; 
  • contact preferences; 
  • gift information, including Direct Debit bank details where applicable; 
  • Gift Aid status; 
  • details of correspondence sent to you, or received from you; 
  • donor status and wealth assessment information; 
  • employment information and professional activities; 
  • where relevant, selected media coverage; 
  • any other information provided by yourself at the request of Mountview. 

When we ask you to provide your personal information we will let you know why we are asking, and how we will use your data, by directing you towards this notice.  


Special categories of personal data 

We may need to collect special categories of personal data from you. Special categories of data include details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, gender, date of birth, income, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data. Depending on the circumstances we will also collect information about criminal convictions and offences as described in more detail below. 

We need to have further justification for collecting, storing and using this type of personal information. 

We have in place an appropriate policy document and safeguards which we are required by law to maintain when processing such data. The main circumstances in which we may lawfully process special categories of personal information are: 

  • in limited circumstances, with your explicit written consent; 
  • where we need to carry out our legal obligations or exercise rights in connection with employment; 
  • necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; 
  • where it is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest or on the basis of applicable laws, such as to ensure compliance with (i) legislation relating to Mountview’s status as a Higher Education provider, or (ii) legislation concerning the safeguarding of children and of individuals at risk, or (iii) legislation requiring us to make reasonable adjustments for protected characteristics, or (iv) equal opportunity monitoring or treatment; or 
  • where you have already made the information public. 

Depending on the circumstances we collect the following special categories of data: 

  • if you are a job applicant, we will collect information about:  

(i) your race, ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs and sexual orientation for the purpose of our diversity and equal opportunities records (on the basis that it is needed for reasons of substantial public interest, for equal opportunities monitoring);  

(ii) your health and any disability you may have as necessary for the purpose of arranging your interview (on the basis of compliance with our legal obligations to make reasonable adjustments in relation to protected characteristics);  

(iii) your criminal record for the purposes of completing background checks necessary for you to be able to work with children to whom we provide some of our courses (on the basis such processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest under applicable laws); 

  • if you are offered job at Mountview or a place on one of Mountview’s Higher Education courses, you will be asked to declare details of any relevant unspent criminal convictions, in order for Mountview to assess any risk to which staff and other students may be exposed (on the basis such processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest under applicable laws); 
  • if you are attending any Mountview activity, we may collect information related to your health such as allergies to particular forms of medication, or conditions such as asthma or diabetes, or dietary requirements (on the basis of your explicit consent). There will be very limited reasons why we might use such information without your explicit consent, for example in a medical emergency to inform medical professionals; 
  • if you are a supporter at any level we may collect data to improve your experience and note your preferences which could include dietary and health information which you provide to us orally or by email or post (on the basis of your explicit consent). There will be very limited reasons why we might use such information without your explicit consent, for example in a medical emergency to inform medical professionals; or 
  • if you are a student or prospective student, we will collect information about your medical history or requirements if a reasonable adjustment is needed in order to ensure we are able to offer you a fair and equitable assessment (either on the basis of your explicit consent or in compliance with our legal obligation to make reasonable adjustments for your circumstances). 


Children’s information 

We do not intentionally collect children’s information (anyone under 13 years old) without explicit consent from the parent or guardian. If you believe a person under 13 years old has provided us with their personal information, or have any concerns regarding this aspect of our notice, please contact 


What we do with your information 

There are three main bases under which we may process your data: 

  • Contract purposes 
    When you become a Mountview student, make a purchase from us or make a donation to us, you are entering into a contract with us. In order to perform this contract, we need to process and store your data. For example, if you purchase a ticket we may need to contact you by email or telephone in the case of cancellation of a show, or in the case of problems with your payment. 
  • Legitimate interests 
    In certain situations, we collect and process your personal info for purposes that are in our legitimate organisational interests. However, we only do this if there is no overriding prejudice to you by using your personal information in this way. We describe below all situations where we may use this basis for processing. 
  • With your explicit consent 
    For any situations where the two bases above are not appropriate, we will instead ask for your explicit consent before using your personal information in that specific situation. 

Depending on your relationship with Mountview, and the preferences you have indicated, data we hold may be used by us for the following purposes:  

  • Managing and developing our courses and activities. 
  • Sending you promotional, marketing or fundraising information by post, telephone or electronic means. These types of communications can include:  
  • Informing you of other products, services or events related to Mountview. 
  • News and updates about Mountview, and marketing or supporter e-newsletters. 
  • Information on our fundraising operations, including occasional targeted requests to consider giving financial support to Mountview, or to ask you to consider supporting us in other ways. 
  • Other relevant communications based upon your relationship with Mountview. 
  • Data screening and cleansing, to check if we have accurate contact details for you – see How we update, screen and analyse your information for further information. 
  • Wealth screening and research, to help us understand our customers, alumni, members, donors and potential donors, including gathering information from publicly available resources to give an insight into your philanthropic interests and ability to support Mountview. See How we update, screen and analyse your information for further information. 
  • To send you surveys, and for market research purposes. 
  • Tools may be used to monitor the effectiveness of our communications with you, including email tracking, which records when an e-newsletter from us is opened and/or how many links are clicked within the message. The data from this tracking is generally used in an aggregated and anonymised form. 

You can opt out of any or all of our communications at any point simply by contacting 

There are some student, customer, alumni, and donation communications that we are required to send regardless of your contact preferences. These are essential communications, deemed necessary to fulfil our contractual obligations to you.  This would include purchase receipts for tickets, Direct Debit confirmations and advanced notices, thank you letters, member benefits such as membership cards, renewal reminders, Gift Aid confirmation letters and querying returned mail or bounced Direct Debit payments with you. 


How we update, screen and analyse your information 

We continuously review records of customers, alumni, members and supporters to ensure your data is as accurate as possible. We may consult alternative sources in order undertake these checks, such as: 

  • Royal Mail National Change of Address database (NCOA); 
  • BT Operator Services Information System (OSIS); 
  • Wealth intelligence database services; 
  • Employment information that you have made publicly available via social media; 
  • Newspaper articles, publications and company websites; 
  • Companies House and other company information databases; 
  • Charity Commission registers; 
  • Any other publicly available sources. 

Where we appoint an external party to undertake a screening of information, any such arrangements will be subject to a formal agreement between Mountview and that organisation, to protect the security of your data. 

We may segment the information we hold about you in our database based on a proprietary score. These scores are calculated using personal data, as well as how engaged with us you have previously been, and indicators of future engagement. Analysis of this helps us understand our customers, alumni, members, donors and potential donors to ensure we are efficient and that only relevant communications are sent to you. 

You can opt-out of your data being utilised for wealth screening, data cleaning or analysis (with the aims of targeting communications with you appropriately, or finding up to date contact information in the case of gone away mail) simply by contacting 


Who we might share your information with 

There are certain circumstances under which we may disclose your personal information to third parties. These are as follows: 

  • To our own service providers who process data on our behalf and on our instructions (for example our ticketing system software provider). In these cases, we require that these third parties comply strictly with our instructions and with data protection laws, for example around security of personal data. 
  • Where we are under a duty to disclose your personal information in order to comply with any legal or funding obligation (for example to government bodies and law enforcement agencies). 
  • If you are a student, teacher or staff member on our Higher Education programme, to Jisc, the agency which collects, processes and shares data relating to higher education, as part of our statutory obligations as a Higher Education Provider. 

We may occasionally need to transfer your personal information overseas, for instance to a bulk email distributor such as Dotmailer. Where this is necessary, this may be to countries or territories around the world. 

We are required to ensure any transfers of data will be done securely, in accordance with best practice, and in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation. 

Your data will never be sold or passed to any third party for any other purpose. 


How we keep your information secure 

We have implemented security procedures, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from: 

  • unauthorised access; 
  • improper use or disclosure; 
  • unauthorised modification. 

All our employees and data processors, who have access to and are associated with the processing of personal data, are legally obliged to respect the confidentiality of our students’, visitors’, customers’ and supporters’ personal data. 


How can I access the information about me, and correction of information? 

You can ask us if we are keeping any personal data about you and you can also request to receive a copy of that personal data – this is called a Subject Access Request. 

To make a Subject Access Request you will need to provide adequate proof of identity such as a copy of your passport, birth certificate or driving licence before your request can be processed. There may also be a fee of up to £10 depending on the volume of work required. 

Please try to be as clear as possible about the information you are seeking. 

Once we have received your Subject Access Request, the agreed fee and proof of identity, you will receive a response from us within 40 days and you will be able to get copies of any information we hold on you. However, exemptions to disclosure may apply in some circumstances. 

Subject Access Requests should be sent to: 

Data Protection Officer 
120 Peckham Hill Street 
SE15 5JT 

At any time you may request that we delete or correct your personal information. If you wish to correct any information on you held by Mountview, simply contact 



In order to make the Mountview website easier to use and improve our service, we sometimes place small amounts of information on your computer. These are known as cookies and they are used by most major websites.  They make it possible for us to provide our online ticketing service and track visitor statistics, such as returning visitors. 

We use cookies to manage the shopping baskets on our ticketing pages, save your application form, as well as logging in and using your Mountview account pages. The cookies used for these functions are temporary cookies that are removed once the transaction has been completed or you log out. It is not possible to purchase anything on our website without accepting these cookies. 

This website uses the following non-essential cookies: 

Google Analytics cookies 

These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, so we don’t know who is using our site. We use the information on how people use our website to compile reports and to help us improve the site. You can go to to find out more about Google Analytics cookies and how to opt-out of them. 

Email and web tracking cookies used by Mountview: 

These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors who have subscribed to our email lists are using the website. This data is not anonymised and we use the information to help improve our email communications and target specifically-tailored messages for our email subscribers.  

Cookies used by Twitter and Facebook 

These cookies provide information on visitors to Twitter and Facebook, check whether users are logged in to either platform and set application cookies for Twitter and Facebook. 

The Mountview website also uses advertising cookies and we offer the option to opt out of these to prevent them being set on your computer. 

Find out how to review and change your settings here. 

For more information on cookies, please visit – please note that we are not responsible for information available on this website. 


Other websites 

Pages on the Mountview website may include links to other websites outside This privacy notice does not apply to any such external websites. 


Changes to our privacy notice 

We regularly review our privacy notice and may make changes time to time. Any changes made will be posted to this page and will apply from the time we post them. This privacy notice was last updated in June 2024. 


How to contact us 

If you have any comments on our privacy notice, or information we hold about you please contact us: 


Additional Privacy Notices 

Higher Education Student Privacy Policy  

Mountview Exams Privacy Policy